Monday, December 29, 2008

The Wonderful Blizzard of Blog

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
The pudgy balding guy using pyrotechnics as a cover up for his lack of "wizardry". But that's the beauty of it--his true talent was making something impressive out of very little--even if it was only an illusion. So he was clever.

Something like a good blog crafter. Doesn't really matter what we look like behind our curtain...just need to put on a show dazzling enough to keep folks in awe.

I wonder how the Wizard of Oz would have dealt with the competition of a million other wizards.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yes, I'm a boozer

I threatened to write a blog with drink recipes and got some input...but I actually meant set up a whole new blog where I wrote about nothing but drinks...

That might be a tad over the top.

But here are some "seasonal" drink novelties~

Andrea wants something with Goldschlager. How about 1 oz vanilla vodka, 1 oz kahlua, and 1/2 oz Goldschlager. I call it a Russian Sparkler.

I actually dreamed of some kind of Peppermint-martini. I thought equal parts vanilla vodka and Peppermint schnapps...I'll have to try & see if that's too much like mouthwash.

For our White Trash party the weekend after Thanksgiving, we were quite happy with our "cheap date punch" made with equal parts of Cold Duck and Pomegranate Seven-Up.

What would happen if you mixed Wintergreen (or Spearmint schnapps) with vodka and creme de cacao? Would it taste like a mint chocolate cookie? Well, that's what I'm hoping!

Here's to you~

Monday, December 8, 2008

A whey in a manger

So when I need a laugh, I can always count on the news.

It seems a man in New Hampshire had the baby Jesus stolen out of his nativity scene, and replaced with a beer can.

Which, I guess, shows a small amount of imagination. I wondered what replacement might be even funnier...
Maybe a little Gouda...a small know, baby cheeses.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How do you spell exploitation?

Currently, I spell it B-U-R-G-E-R K-I-N-G.

Have you seen this website or the commercials?

Are you freakin kidding me?

How desperate are these people to prove their hamburger superior to McDonald's?

And the answer would be......desperate enough to drag native people out of their huts (farms, I don't know) from remote villages in Romania, Thailand, etc., coerce them into eating food they have--supposedly--never seen before, all to be declared the winner in the ridiculous new version of the 1980's cola wars.

Does anyone else find this the ultimate in commercial exploitation?

Ode, to be a skinny kid again...

Grape soda

cream soda

NEHI blue

I miss those crazy drinks

and the sugar-buzz too

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Welcome to Planet Claudia.

When people have asked if I think the world revolves around me, I am amused.

Silly question...I am the world.

But all are welcome! Visit often.