Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is a bizarre compilation--a few lines pasted together to give a peek into Planet Claudia.

Here are bits of ten random entries from eight previous blogs...see how it works for you.

In the beginning, there was the chicken. And I Kentucky Fried it, after signing an agreement that (if I somehow found out) I would never reveal the secret blend of 23 herbs and spices.

Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel. There is something so touching about the part where he sings “We said we’d all go down together…” WOW.

12) I used to practice signing autographs as Aquamarine Lace.

In those days they just called me morbid, or disturbed. But I loved all things dark. I was fascinated with death, the occult, and of course my heroes had fangs and wore capes.

My obsession with funny names started when I was a kid learning from my best friend how to make prank phone calls. We just started reading names in the phone book, and found out the very last name listed at the end was Sylvester Zweiner. He was actually the last name in our local book for many years.

Big jump after I scored a 93 on the Civil Service test--I was hired to deliver mail as a rural route substitute. Not as glamorous as it sounds! No benefits, and the mail just…keeps…coming…

Make time for counting
Poetry will be easy
In Haiku format

In other news, I was eating a Dr. Pepper freezer pop (which was yummy) and I topped it off with some mandarin-lime sparkling water, but now I have the hiccups and they won't go away.

43) Scrimshanker: One who accepts neither responsibility nor work.

Sadly, the short, magical night ended without a single envious friend staring at me in awe.
But I get to relive it whenever I hear Long Cool Woman…or see a vintage black Corvette.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sadly, the short, magical night ended without a single envious friend staring at me in awe."

That's like in a movie where they only show the punchline to the joke... "but the MOUSE was a VENTRILOQUIST!!"

I like yours better, Claudia.